Should "File change" check interval be adjustable?

Ideas for new features

Moderators: AmigoJack, bbadmin, helios, Bob Hansen, MudGuard

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How important is it to you to have this feature fixed right away?

I have to have this! I'm going Nuckin Futz!
This would be nice to have... that bugs me too
I'm OK either way... I'm just feeling lucky to have such a great editor!
Well, I dunno... might be OK, though I really don't think it's such a big deal.
Nothing of mine ever changes, so I wouldn't know how this feature works anyway.
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Should "File change" check interval be adjustable?

Post by DeadAgain »

Maybe I'm the only one that has this problem(wouldn't be the first time)... On a large file that updates frequently, such as log files that I have to deal with that can baloon to 25MB in 10 minutes, if I have "File Changed" set to "Prompt", then the only thing I can do with Textpad is keep clicking the prompt asking me whether I want the file reloaded. It comes up so fast I can't even get to prefs using keyboard shorcuts, and I'm stuck in a loop. :evil:

If I set it to Auto-load, the text keeps moving around on me as the file reloads, again rendering Textpad useless. :evil:

If I set it to "Ignore" then I have to select each file and click "Revert" when I want to see updates. :cry:

The "Ignore diffs < 2 sec" checkbox does not help at all in such cases; the files are too big and take more than 2 seconds to load.

IMHO, there should be a few more options in this area:

-Interval option: select interval for CheckandPrompt() or AutoLoad(), 1 second increments to at least 99.
-Cursor option: Cursor (a) goes to EOF on reload (b) stays where you left it
-Window option: Window (a) Shows last line on reload or (b) stays where you left it

-Prompt itself should have a "Shut up for a minute"(Or "don't ask for 30 sec") button on it as a minimal interim solution to this madness. :D

Please, pitch me your thoughts on this....

(A registered user and TextPad Evangelist) 8)

P.S. too bad smileys don't work in poll options...
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Post by grip »

Amen to that. I would like to use Textpad to monitor the progress of a log file that is usually changing rapidly. I want to know that the file is changing, but it is useless to have a dialog that pops up again as soon as you dismiss it.

How about having an option to position the cursor relative to the end of the file instead of the beginning? That would deal with the scrolling problem nicely too. This should not be just a checkbox in the options, but a setting on the dialog that is limited in scope to the current file and current session. i.e.:

Another process has modified this file. Would you like to reload?
Don't show me this dialog again for <text field> seconds
Position cursor relative to end of file for this session: <checkbox>

Most of the time, I want Textpad to behave exactly the way it does. But I think Textpad is crippled until it provides a better way to monitor a rapidly changing file.
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Post by brodie »

For the same reasons as the others (viewing log files), I would vote for "Don't show me this dialog again for <text field> seconds" on the dialog. Just that would suit me fine.
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Post by gkokmdam »

I would go for the "don't bother me again untill.." message.
It would be nice if the ducument selector has a mark (like a red bullit or what ever) on the files that have changed on disk since the last save (They have this in editor Kate on Linux-KDE) and then one might want to revert via some options in the document selector.
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Post by Jerret »

How about an auto-reload on/off button that you could place in the toolbar. May there could be several buttons such as:

* enable/disable auto-reload
* reload now
* pause reloads for 1 minute
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