TextPad has encountered problem ... ntdll.dll

General questions about using TextPad

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TextPad has encountered problem ... ntdll.dll

Post by tomlamson »

I just got a new computer running XP Professional (I was using NT 4.0) and after gaining administrator privledges I reinstalled TextPad. Now I get the following error message whenever (and only whenever) I close a document.

"TextPad has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience."

I select more information and it says

Error signature

AppName: textpad.exe AppVer: ModName: ntdll.dll
ModVer: 5.1.2600.1217 Offset: 000339f2
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Post by tomlamson »

Now the problem occurs whenever I try to open a document from Windows Explorer.

When I associate the file with WordPad it opens OK.
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Post by tomlamson »

I uninstalled TextPad 4.7 and reinstalled 4.5 and the problem is gone!
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Post by helios »

In a situation such as this, we need to see some relevant crash diagnostics, and one very good way is through a Dr Watson report.

Using Dr. Watson:

Dr. Watson detects information about system and program failures and records
the information in a log file. In the event of a program error, Dr. Watson
starts automatically.

To open Dr. Watson, click Start, and then click Run. In the Open box, type

Dr. Watson cannot prevent errors from occurring, but the information recorded
in the log file can be used by technical support personnel to diagnose the

For information about using Dr. Watson, click Help in Dr. Watson.

The default file locations are as follows:

Log files: C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Microsoft\Dr

Crash dump files: C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application
Data\Microsoft\Dr Watson\user.dmp

A crash dump is preferred, and please zip the files before sending them.
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Post by tomlamson »

I sent reply with the Dr Watson files in a separate email to you.
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I'm also getting access violations closing TextPad

Post by DanDeNise »

I'm also getting an access violation error report every time I close TextPad. To what address should I email my user.dmp file?
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Post by helios »

Please send your crash dump files to "support@textpad.com".
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Post by DanDeNise »

Under the gun to get this going (student computer lab), I uninstalled and reinstalled TextPad. That seems to have fixed the problem. Hopefully the dump I emailed you will help you analyze what happened and keep it from happening to anyone else.
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TextPad has encountered problem ... ntdll.dll

Post by p3sullivan »

I have had 4.7.2 working for a while but now every time I close Textpad I get this same error
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Post by p3sullivan »

FYI: The uninstall / reinstall did NOT work for me.

I had to delete all of:
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Helios\TextPad 4]

I was able to load back my Macro and Tools settings without any real problems.

When I tried to reload Classes it started blowing up again. So I delete the first class listed in textpad and the last one listed. Now it is working again.

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Post by djmentel »

Could this have something to do with digital certificates?
I have set the default to open txt files with Textpad intead of Notepad.
This works fine until I am trying to open a txt file directly from an internet page. I get the error message:
Internet Explorer - Security Warning
The publisher could not be verified. Are you sure you want to run this software:
Name: <filename>.txt
Publisher: Unknown Publisher

Where do I override this problem ???
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