getting a tab char hilighted

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getting a tab char hilighted

Post by leegold »

In a text (.txt) file I can press the button to have tabs, end of lines, spaces
show up. The tab is a little > symbol. I have been wanting to make the symbol more visiable, in big comples tab delimited files they are to faint by default. So I want to syntax hilite the tab symbols. I know there's a *.txt syn file but how do I get a special char like those tabs hilited??? I have emailed textpad many times in the past to get the tab symbol more robust.

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Post by CyberSlug »

I've never found a way to highlight tabs or spaces in the syntax file :-(
And I, too, want customization of the "visible spaces" feature.

According to the help file they should appear as
· Space
» Tab
¶ Line break
However, as long as I can recall they've shown up as follows (picture):

Anyone know what's up?
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Post by MudGuard »

Just set more obvious colors in the color settings of your document class.
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Post by leegold »

Could you tell me how to make tabs highted or a different color.
How do I do it? It's very im portant that I be able to see tabs
clearly. And they have a very faint hard to see symbol and I can't
see in a complex text/db dump file.

Please tell me how.

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