Moving tab by drag'n dropping with mouse

Ideas for new features

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Moving tabs by drag'n dropping with mouse or keyboard

Yes, great!
Yes, does not hurt
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Moving tab by drag'n dropping with mouse

Post by fthomas »

Like in multi-browsers (AvantBrowser, FireBird, CrazyBrowser, etc.) the ability to move tabs to rearrange the desktop would be a nice feature. This should work with mouse (drag'n drop) and with a keyboard shortcut.
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Post by CyberSlug »


Also, the text editor EditPad already supports drag-n-drop tabs, and I imagine other tabbed editors also do.
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Auto Sorting of document tabs

Post by pgunni »

I use textpad to edit asp files and sometimes have up to 20 files that I am editing. Because the font is quite small for the tabbed document selector and they are not in any order it takes awhile to scan for the file I want to edit.

It would be great if there were an autosort feature whereby document tabs are displayed in a sorted order. Suggestions for sort criteria include

Alphabetic on document name
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