Document selector quirk

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Document selector quirk

Post by AndrewKember »

Hello all,
I've found an odd problem with TextPad 4.7.1 and wondered if anyone else has come across it:

When Ctrl-tabbing through the document selector, documents are not selected in the order I last viewed them.

If I hold down ctrl and repeatedly press and release tab, some documents in the selector are never visited. However, if I hold down tab, which scrolls through the list very quickly, I can clearly see that all the documents are visited. Strange but true.

Thanks for any help you can offer.

Running TextPad 4.7.1 on Win2k SP4
Last edited by AndrewKember on Tue Sep 09, 2003 4:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by MudGuard »

Hm, can't reproduce this here as Alt-Tab does not go through textpad tabs but through windows applications (on all windows systems I have seen alt-tab cycles through applications).
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Post by AndrewKember »

Tsk! My bad - I meant CTRL-tab :oops:

Thank you for humouring me! I've corrected this in the original post now.

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Post by talleyrand »

Hmmm. I've got the same setup but am also unable to reproduce your situation. Does the situation persist after rebooting?
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Post by AndrewKember »

talleyrand wrote:Does the situation persist after rebooting?
Yes, it does. I've rebooted the system, I've saved the workspace file I'm using under a different name to ensure it's not corrupt (not sure if that would make a difference anyway).

The problem seems to only affect .txt files, but I have just created and saved a .txt file and it can be ctrl-tabbed to just fine.

If I can narrow the problem down some more, I'll get back to you.
Thanks for the suggestion.
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