Odd drag and drop problem

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Odd drag and drop problem

Post by cslepage »

For a particular editing task, I usually have two text files open in Textpad, and drag and drop items from one file to the other. For some reason, at odd intervals, while I am dragging something to the other file, something will make Textpad drop the text wherever the mouse is. I've disable Norton AV and the same problem occurs. Any ideas what might be causing Textpad to act like this?

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Post by webmasta »

Maybe ure dropping it and not realising it by just a slight release on the mouse, used to happen to me when trying to do things too fast...

Safer to use the right clik drag function, no room for error unless ure not paying attention... (i assume ure using left clik drag)
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Post by cslepage »

No, that's not the problem. What's happening is either 1) the highlighted text "pastes" itself on its own before I can drag it to where I want to drag it, or 2) the highlighted text "unhighlights" as if I had lifted my finger off the left mouse button, but I haven't.
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Post by webmasta »

Strange one.. try the right clik drag .. when the text is dropped you should get a context menu to decide to move/copy or cancel.

This might que you in to tracing why its happening with the left clik.
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Post by cslepage »

A good suggestion, but it doesn't fix the problem. I still have to highlight the portion I want to drag and drop to the other text file, and whatever is causing the problem also messes up the highlighting. It's like Textpad and the mouse suddenly are not cooperation. The mouse is a Logitech with the latest drivers.
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Post by AndrewKember »

Hm. I've had this problem before, and sworn at my computer for many months before finding it was a faulty mouse. It's not that I was letting the mouse button go unintentionally - rather that the mouse was glitching and doing it for me. I eventually noticed it in other applications and the finger of suspicion moved to my hardware.

Perhaps this isn't the case for you - but it fooled me for a while

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