Are these bugs in 4.7?

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Are these bugs in 4.7?

Post by robbage »

Select Menu Help/Contents and click "What's new"
Where it shows "What's New in TextPad 4.6" (4.6???) click the link. Nothing happens. Let me guess .. its hard coded for IE and not the default browser.

Select Menu View/In Web Browser.. nothing happens... see above.

Enable "hightlight line containing cursor", set really bright colours for highlight colours. Set default text colours to white on black and try to spot the line highlighting (sometimes some text is damaged but thats about it (for me)) Maybe a font issue? Im using Lucida Console.

Just noticed this: If I highlight several lines of text using click and drag (White on Blue) I can now see the highlighting mentioned above, but it's black on blue dashes, not purple on yellow like I set it to (not a prefered colour scheme.. just trying to work out whats going on :)
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Post by bbadmin »

The "4.6" is definitely a mistake, but the link is implemented with the following HTML code:

<A href="" target="_blank">

That looks good to me, so there may be a bug in Microsoft's HTML help engine, or in the way your browser has integrated itself. Please run Windows Update and make sure that you have installed critical update 810565 (plus any others that are in the list).

There is an issue with current line highlighting, when the background color is other than black or white. The chosen drawing mode draws it behind any font glyphs, but this can make it hard to see with other background colors.

Keith MacDonald
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Post by jdonnici »

There is an issue with current line highlighting, when the background color is other than black or white. The chosen drawing mode draws it behind any font glyphs, but this can make it hard to see with other background colors.
Hi Keith,

My background color is black and am seeing a problem with this as well. Regardless of which colors I choose for Current Line, I don't see the highlighting around it. What I do is is the extreme tops/bottoms of letters being truncated on the current line... so it looks like it's drawing the highlight only in black and that gets "painted" over the top of the text that's on the line.

Is there a workaround for getting the current line highlight to work without changing my background to something other than black?


Post by robbage »

bbadmin wrote:That looks good to me, so there may be a bug in Microsoft's HTML help engine
Almost certainly is...
bbadmin wrote:Please run Windows Update and make sure that you have installed critical update 810565
Catch22 .. I don't have IE installed (which is why the link doesnt work) and WU doesn't work with proper browsers :(
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Post by talleyrand »

If you know the update number, you can always search the MS site. Found this using Opera. Hope it helps.
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Post by crassius »

I don't have IE either and 'view in web browser' just does a default error beep here too, with winME & Mozilla 1.5.
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Post by MudGuard »

Have you set your browser to be your default browser?

I have IE :( (for test purposes only), but on View in Browser, my default browser Mozilla :D comes up with the file.
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Post by crassius »

Yes, it is set to default - at least that's what it says in the edit/pref window. I think it is due to not having hh.exe and also wscript.exe & cscript.exe installed for security reasons. If I knew how the browser was called, I might be able to fix it, but I don't use 'view in browser' anyway, so no biggie.

Post by robbage »

MudGuard wrote:Have you set your browser to be your default browser?
Yep. I'm 99.9% certain it's the win bug Keith mentioned. All the references I can find to the bug refer to Xp though. I tried to get the fix from a work machine that has W98SE and the same bug but WU dpoesn't find any update for it :-\ Loks like I'm stuck with it (unless theres a way to make a fake IE executable that starts up Mozilla.)
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