Is 4.70 worth the upgrade

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Is 4.70 worth the upgrade

Post by mike1629 »

I have Textpad Version 4.6.2. I am thinking about upgrading to 4.70 I do not use textpad for anything to hard such as software writing yet. I am planning on doing so though. Is it worth it to upgrade to 4.70 if I have 4.6.2 ?
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Post by helios »

If you already have a license for any version of TextPad 4, it is free to upgrade to 4.7, so what have you got to lose!
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Post by bartlett22183 »

helios wrote:If you already have a license for any version of TextPad 4, it is free to upgrade to 4.7, so what have you got to lose!
He may not lose any money, but if these threads are any indication, he might gain a lot of frustration with 4.7.0, as people seem to keep stumbling over problems that didn't exist in earlier versions. If I had known that TP 4.7.0 lies when I wanted it put on the popup context menu, I might well have stayed with an earlier version.
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Post by webmasta »

bartlett22183.. In a general sense, thats an unfair comment and doesnt take into account that TP functions consistently flawless 99% of the time (in my case) for what is was programmed to do..text editing.. which is by far more than what you can say for many programs out there including the ubiquitous windowz OS ... most of the issues reported are minor annoyances and generally to do with interfacing with specific windowz OS and not necessarily bugs within TP itself...

Other third party software can also contribute to various issues too.

Really its the way that windowz hides things in a convoluted fashion and try to control and insist how I should do things and make choices for us like we're idiots that causes me most aggravation........................
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Post by bartlett22183 »

webmasta wrote: bartlett22183.. In a general sense, thats an unfair comment and doesnt take into account that TP functions consistently flawless 99% of the time (in my case) for what is was programmed to do..text editing.. [snip]
Really its the way that windowz hides things in a convoluted fashion and try to control and insist how I should do things and make choices for us like we're idiots that causes me most aggravation........................
OK, I admit that out of frustration I may have been unfair. But it just seems to me that what worked flawlessly in prior versions ought to work equally flawlessly in the current version if the configuration options presented to the user have not changed.
My OS (Win98SP1) has not changed, so I expected available options not to have changed, either. (Sometimes I think that if I had more powerful hardware, I might junk Windblows entirely and jump ship to Linux.)
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Post by webmasta »

My primary reason for not jumping to linux is that those dudes cant seem to get their act together... many people, including most software companies will support linux if the OS was a viable substitue for windoze, and I dont see that happening anytine soon, not in my lifetime anyway.

I think maybe they concentrate more on their servers which of course is way ahead of all the swiss cheeze crap that MS has ... give me five minutes with a client who has a website on windoze servers and hes switching to unix.... or find another programmer in the sixth.
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Post by zridling »

TextPad 4.7b works great for plain text and most html editing. However, if you're doing programming, XML, or database work - esp. with larger files - I'd recommend UltraEdit instead. While I recommend TextPad to most people, for those who need a robust text/hex editor, I strongly recommend they move on up to UltraEdit, whose new version can do anything you can throw at it.
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Post by webmasta »

2 specific reasons why i dont use UE in a production mode...

1. Creating a workspace is like building a rocket station,
A simple one step save process dragged out to the limit with no shortcuts.

To open a workspace is another unproductive nitemare, too many steps when all should be required is choose the workspace or dbl-clik a ws file and it should fly pronto.

Also, UE workspace must be opened from the menu, about 4-5 distinct steps and even then you still have to choose the files you want opened (another set of figuring and clicking) opening a workspace should be just that... open my workspace, dammit!.

And I dont have the option to save worksspace as... or even save the space in between closing UE.

I still dont like the fact that workspace files are saved automagically when UE or even TP closes.

I should have complete control over my ws files.. period. Auto saving has caused many a heartache in my environment when files are closed for one reason or another then UE or TP closes and captures my state at that moment and overwrite my workspace whether i like it or not.

I should be given the option to save the space and even if I fail or neglect to save , thats my problem just like if I fail to save any file I am working on I will be prompted to save it on closing... do not save my workspace without my knowledge ya hear Helios?? :wink: Give me the option to allow you to save it. Manipulating my files without my express permission smacks of MS big brother making decisions for us we have no contriol over. :x

2. The find function ... at best, miserable.... at worst, downright aggravating.

Clicking the find button makes the dialog box vaporize completly into thin air like it was never there, and with no option to mark all the found lines... to enter a new term or find next, I am forced to open the dialog again ... I would usually have my dialog box on another screen which then opens not where I left it, but at top left of my default screen, now I am forced to reset it again to where I want it.. unacceptable under any circumstances. It must remain open until I close it.

Having to live with apps that control you is one thing, agravating while controlling is quite another.

I use TP for all my programming needs, perl, PHP, javascript, XML, vbs, ASP, mySQL, flatfile db's and more and find it a very easy editor to get along with... I dont understand how you can say that its only good for text and html...:roll: for HTML, I use dreamweaver, punching html by hand is a losing proposition

Heres what UE has going for me that I wish to see in TP....

and i mainly use it just for these features as an auxilarry editor while TP remains open as my main editor and to reload any changes made in UE when TP is focused.

1. Increase/decrease font size button on toolbar (you have to customize the toolbar put the icon there) found under the view menu.

This allows me to pull UE onto my aux screen set at 1024 and be able to quickly increase font size without changing syn file or whatever else in required in TP.

vote for it here :wink: ... ght=#12339

2. I like the fact also that i can move back.forward through edit positions, even jump out of the current file to the last edit position in another file in the woekspace.

3. I can open a perl file and have all my routines in the function list.. and javascript and and ..

Anything else apart from these three simple yet powerful features [and the ability to collapse expand blocks, which is not available in UE yet] i can live without (.. that may change tomorro :wink: ).

TP rockz! (for now anyway...)
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