Relative rankings of every enhancement suggestion

Ideas for new features

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Relative rankings of every enhancement suggestion

Post by jeffy »

Below is a complete list of all enhancement suggestions posted to this forum, ranked in comparison to one another. I'll post a new listing periodically, so subscribe to this thread if you want to automatically be notified by email about it.

Please reply to this forum thread with your feedback on this ranking. I'm particularly interested--and especially as the number of topics in this forum increases--in a better tie-breaking formula, and how links can be provided inside "CODE" blocks. Thanks! :' )

  • * RNK: "1" is the all time most-wanted enhancement suggestion. "2" is wanted a bit less than that...
    * ID: The forum topic id. Just FYI.
    * {5 4 3 2 1}: The total votes, per answer type (weight).
    • * 5: Important, even if speed/efficiency is decreased/degraded.
      * 4: Somewhat important
      * 3: I'm okay either way
      * 2: Somewhat unimportant
      * 1: Unimportant, even if speed and efficiency remain unaffected
    * TOT: Total votes.
    * WT: The total weight of all votes. Specifically: {sum of "5" votes * 5} + {sum of "4" votes * 4} + {sum of "3" votes * 3} + {sum of "2" votes * 2} + {sum of "1" votes * 1}
    * AVG VOTE: The average weight (1..5) for all votes.
The ranking is determined by total weight ("WT" column), with the "AVG VOTE" column breaking any ties.

Here are a listing, so far, of postings in this forum that are incompatible with this ranking system. Please re-post with a valid poll, if you want your suggestion to be put among this ranking system. A "valid poll" is defined as "has five possible answers, ranked, from top to bottom, from most wanted to least wanted". Sorry and thanks.

Code: Select all

3762:  You must be logged in to post messages in this forum
3769:  Consider a poll...

3779:  EntriesWorkgroup features -- Color settings

...drum roll please...

Sunday, May 04, 2003, 13:11

Code: Select all

RNK  ID    [5  4  3  2  1 }  TOT WT   AVG VOTE
1    3775  {15 1  1  0  0 }  17  82   4.823529   Editable Macros
2    3764  {7  5  2  0  1 }  15  62   4.133333   Expand/Collapse blocks of text
3    3773  {7  4  2  0  0 }  13  57   4.384615   Additional attributes for syntax highlighting
4    3787  {3  8  1  0  0 }  12  50   4.166666   Show matching brackets
5    3765  {0  8  4  1  0 }  13  46   3.538461   Coloured active line
6    3777  {4  4  1  2  1 }  12  44   3.666666   Syntax highlight for embedded languages
7    3767  {2  2  3  4  2 }  13  37   2.846153   Explorer-style Navigator
8    3785  {2  5  0  2  0 }  9   34   3.777777   Reload and reapply syntax definition
9    3783  {2  2  4  0  0 }  8   30   3.75       Add a small amount of dynamics to clip-books
10   3784  {1  3  2  2  0 }  8   27   3.375      Three command keys
11   3786  {1  3  3  0  0 }  7   26   3.714285   Temporarily associate doc to another doc class
12   3766  {0  3  1  4  2 }  10  25   2.5        Vertical Split - looped scrolling
13   3782  {1  3  2  0  0 }  6   23   3.833333   Macros that don't change selection and &selection ancho
14   3780  {0  5  0  1  0 }  6   22   3.666666   Scoping most configuration to Document Classes
15   3781  {1  2  2  1  1 }  7   22   3.142857   Auto-save empty workspaces
16   3799  {3  1  0  0  0 }  4   19   4.75       Macro recording on-the-fly text
17   3794  {0  2  3  0  0 }  5   17   3.4        Preferences-&File-&Keep files locked while editing
18   3807  {1  0  2  0  1 }  4   12   3.0        www ip address and root folder saved with workspace.
19   3792  {0  1  1  1  2 }  5   11   2.2        word wrap
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Bob Hansen
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Post by Bob Hansen »

Good work Jeffy. :!:

May I suggest an excellent book to read for anyone who looks at information like this? :?:

Yes?, why thank you....

:idea: The book is titled "How to Lie With Statistics", author Darrell Huff, 1954 (still current info!), published by W.W. Norton, available on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, etc.

I am not suggesting that you are lying. Definitely not. Again it is great that you are providing this information. You have provided most of the basic information and results. But what I do find very interesting is a missing number: the number of times an enhancement topic was viewed. Note that number of votes is such a small percentage of the total viewed.

A number of conclusions (valid and invalid) can be drawn. One that comes to mind for me, is that I suspect that the only people voting are those that have a positive interest. Many non votes probably represent those who say "not important", so won't bother to case a vote. This would actually be votes for 3,2,1. So the average you are reporting is higher than reality. It is a percentage of actual voters, not viewers, not eligible voters. That is still important. but it would be interesting to know how many of the viewers were eligilble to vote because they are registered, but chose not to vote.

I am also curious about how you have compiled this information. You must have access to the forum database. (If so, then you can probably provide the info about registered non-voting viewers). If not, could you share your approach on harvesting these forum messages and the votes?

Thanks again for a job well done....:D
Hope this was helpful.............good luck,
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Post by jeffy »

Thanks for the wonderful ccmments, Bob! I'll think about them and address them later.

How did I get this information? I wrote a Java program to download the forum webpage, and then download every existing topic webpage listed in it.

:' )

I'm still fixing some things here and there, but I'll have no problem making the code available at some point.

Thanks again, and I'm glad you like it!
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Post by jeffy »

jeffy wrote:How did I get this information? I wrote a Java program to download the forum webpage, and then download every existing topic webpage listed in it.
Let's try that again:

How did I get this information? I wrote a Java program to download the forum webpage, analyzed the html table for the topics (getting the title/author/view count/reply count in the process), and then download every *topic* webpage listed in it. Then, within each topic web page, I analyzed the HTML for vote counts.

After that, it was just a matter of compiling the values into objects, and aggregating/comparing the values for each.

This is fun stuff, and I love being able to help the TextPad community (he says, selflessly). This is fun stuff, and I love being able to increase my chances in making TextPad exactly what I want it to be (he says, greedily).

:' )
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Post by jeffy »

There is a fatal flaw in my ranking logic. :' (

It results in a thousand "1" votes becoming higher-rated than a single "5" vote.

Oops. It's a big change. Will work on it and re-post when done. Probably won't be for a while, because this week is killer for me.

Sorry about that.
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Post by jeffy »

Done. Thought it was big but it was small. I'm fried. I think this is fixed. Once I'm no longer fried, I'll double check...

Have changed the rules, so that a

"5" vote weighs 2 points
"4" vote weighs 1 points
"3" vote weighs 0 points
"2" vote weighs -1 points
"1" vote weighs -2 points

The weight is now {"5" votes * 2} + {"4" votes * 1} + {"3" votes * 0} + {"2" votes * -1} + {"1" votes * -2}

Code: Select all

RNK  ID    [5  4  3  2  1 }  TOT WT   AVG VOTE
1    3775  {15 1  1  0  0 }  17  31   4.823529   Editable Macros
2    3773  {7  4  2  0  0 }  13  18   4.384615   Additional attributes for syntax highlighting
3    3764  {7  5  2  0  1 }  15  17   4.133333   Expand/Collapse blocks of text
4    3787  {3  8  1  0  0 }  12  14   4.166666   Show matching brackets
5    3777  {4  4  1  2  1 }  12  8    3.666666   Syntax highlight for embedded languages
6    3799  {3  1  0  0  0 }  4   7    4.75       Macro recording on-the-fly text
7    3785  {2  5  0  2  0 }  9   7    3.777777   Reload and reapply syntax definition
8    3765  {0  8  4  1  0 }  13  7    3.538461   Coloured active line
9    3783  {2  2  4  0  0 }  8   6    3.75       Add a small amount of dynamics to clip-books
10   3782  {1  3  2  0  0 }  6   5    3.833333   Macros that don't change selection and "selecti...
11   3786  {1  3  3  0  0 }  7   5    3.714285   Temporarily associate doc to another doc class
12   3780  {0  5  0  1  0 }  6   4    3.666666   Scoping most configuration to Document Classes
13   3784  {1  3  2  2  0 }  8   3    3.375      Three command keys
14   3794  {0  2  3  0  0 }  5   2    3.4        Preferences->File->Keep files locked while editing
15   3781  {1  2  2  1  1 }  7   1    3.142857   Auto-save empty workspaces
16   3807  {1  0  2  0  1 }  4   0    3.0        www ip address and root folder saved with works...
17   3767  {2  2  3  4  2 }  13  -2   2.846153   Explorer-style Navigator
18   3792  {0  1  1  1  2 }  5   -4   2.2        word wrap
19   3766  {0  3  1  4  2 }  10  -5   2.5        Vertical Split - looped scrolli
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Bob Hansen
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Post by Bob Hansen »

Jeffy:.......two items:

1. I was going to ask about the final totals, I saw a few that did not seem right. But it looks like you have addressed that. I noticed that the rankings also changed a little with the new algorithm. Too bad those results are not visible right on the forum next to each subject. Thanks again, it looks good.

2. You wrote:
but I'll have no problem making the code available at some point.
I would appreciate seeing that when available. I have not yet dabbled in java, but this would provide me with a sample that I have an interest in and could learn from. It would seem to address a number of items that I am interested in. No rush, quality before quantity!
Hope this was helpful.............good luck,
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Workgroup features -- Color settings

Post by athleston »

I admire Jeffey's innovation.

And of course I want my feature request to be considered alongside all the others equally. So I have modified my request poll to match the others. I deleted my existing poll and voted again. Just for the record -- the deleted poll had already attracted 8 votes about 6 of which were favorable. Thank you!
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Re: Workgroup features -- Color settings

Post by jeffy »

athleston wrote:I admire Jeffey's innovation.

And of course I want my feature request to be considered alongside all the others equally. So I have modified my request poll to match the others.
I'm so glad you like it, athleston.

Your request will now be included in future rankings. :D
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Rankings for Sunday, May 11, 2003

Post by jeffy »

...drum roll please...

Sunday, May 11, 2003

Code: Select all

MV  RNK  ID    {5  4  3  2  1 }  TOT WT   AVG VOTE
00  1    3775  {19 4  1  0  1 }  25  40   4.6        Editable Macros
00  2    3773  {12 6  3  0  0 }  21  30   4.428571   Additional attributes for syntax highlighting
00  3    3764  {9  9  3  1  1 }  23  24   4.043478   Expand/Collapse blocks of text
00  4    3787  {6  9  3  0  1 }  19  19   4.0        Show matching brackets
**  5    3836  {7  2  0  1  0 }  10  15   4.5        Flexible 'alignment' function
00  6    3799  {5  2  2  0  0 }  9   12   4.333333   Macro recording on-the-fly text
-2  7    3777  {6  5  4  3  1 }  19  12   3.631578   Syntax highlight for embedded languages
00  8    3765  {2  10 5  3  0 }  20  11   3.55       Coloured active line
+1  9    3782  {2  5  4  0  0 }  11  9    3.818181   Macros that don't change selection and "sel...
**  10   3822  {3  3  5  1  0 }  12  8    3.666666   Keyboard Shortcut Map
-4  11   3785  {3  5  2  5  0 }  15  6    3.4        Reload and reapply syntax definition
**  12   3817  {3  3  6  3  0 }  15  6    3.4        Syntax Highlighting for Search Results
**  13   3779  {2  1  1  0  0 }  4   5    4.25       Workgroup features -- Color settings
**  14   3835  {1  3  2  0  0 }  6   5    3.833333   'Usage' in this File - with floating Comman...
-6  15   3783  {3  2  5  0  2 }  12  4    3.333333   Add a small amount of dynamics to clip-books
-4  16   3780  {1  6  0  3  1 }  11  3    3.272727   Scoping most configuration to Document Classes
-6  17   3786  {2  3  4  2  1 }  12  3    3.25       Temporarily associate doc to another doc class
-2  18   3807  {2  2  4  0  2 }  10  2    3.2        www ip address and root folder saved with w...
-4  19   3781  {1  5  4  1  2 }  13  2    3.153846   Auto-save empty workspaces
-7  20   3784  {2  5  2  4  2 }  15  1    3.066666   Three command keys
-7  21   3794  {0  3  4  1  1 }  9   0    3.0        Preferences->File->Keep files locked while ...
-5  22   3767  {4  2  4  7  3 }  20  -3   2.85       Explorer-style Navigator
-5  23   3792  {1  1  3  2  3 }  10  -5   2.5        word wrap
-5  24   3766  {1  3  2  9  2 }  17  -8   2.529411   Vertical Split - looped scrolling
          {97  99  73  46  23 }  435 201  2.793103

The new MV column represents the movement since the last ranking list. "00" means no movement/same position as last time, and "**" means it is a new suggestion. The bottom row, below the "----", are the totals.

Thanks so much for the active voting, everyone. Please keep checking back for new suggestions and voting for them--positively or negatively. It is appreciated!

By the way, do these rankings "feel" accurate to you? Please let me know if there's any recommendations you have to make the ranking more accurate.

The following threads are not included in these rankings:

Code: Select all

Not a TextPad suggestion

	3762	You must be logged in to post messages in this forum
	3769	Consider a poll...
	3811	Relative rankings of every enhanecement suggestion
	3832	Show polls not voted on yet.

No poll

	3816	Syntax Highlighting for Search Results (original posting)
	3830	Feature request: Save sort sets
	3837	Drag and drop editing should be smarter
	3838	Bracket Matching could be much better
	3839	Undo should restore selection
If there are any mistakes in this omission list, please let me know.

Thanks :' )
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Sunday, May 18, 2003

Post by jeffy »

...drum roll please...

Sunday, May 18, 2003

Code: Select all

MV  RNK  ID    {5  4  3  2  1 }  TOT WT   AVG VOTE
00  1    3775  {23 4  1  0  1 }  29  48   4.655172   Editable Macros
00  2    3773  {12 7  4  0  0 }  23  31   4.347826   Additional attributes for syntax highli...
00  3    3764  {10 10 3  1  1 }  25  27   4.08       Expand/Collapse blocks of text
+1  4    3836  {8  7  2  2  0 }  19  21   4.105263   Flexible 'alignment' function
-1  5    3787  {6  9  3  0  1 }  19  19   4.0        Show matching brackets
**  6    3858  {6  6  1  0  1 }  14  16   4.142857   Dockable Command Results and Search Res...
+1  7    3765  {2  14 5  3  0 }  24  15   3.625      Coloured active line
-2  8    3799  {6  2  2  0  0 }  10  14   4.4        Macro recording on-the-fly text
-2  9    3777  {6  6  6  3  1 }  22  13   3.590909   Syntax highlight for embedded languages
-1  10   3782  {2  5  4  0  0 }  11  9    3.818181   Macros that don't change selection and ...
-1  11   3822  {3  5  7  2  1 }  18  7    3.388888   Keyboard Shortcut Map
-1  12   3785  {3  5  2  5  0 }  15  6    3.4        Reload and reapply syntax definition
-1  13   3817  {3  3  7  3  0 }  16  6    3.375      Syntax Highlighting for Search Results
-1  14   3779  {2  1  1  0  0 }  4   5    4.25       Workgroup features -- Color settings
00  15   3783  {3  3  5  0  2 }  13  5    3.384615   Add a small amount of dynamics to clip-...
**  16   3843  {1  2  6  1  0 }  10  3    3.3        Scripted Regular Expressions
-1  17   3780  {1  6  0  3  1 }  11  3    3.272727   Scoping most configuration to Document ...
**  18   3855  {1  4  4  1  1 }  11  3    3.272727   An output window tab for each user defi...
-2  19   3786  {2  3  4  2  1 }  12  3    3.25       Temporarily associate doc to another do...
**  20   3854  {0  8  3  3  1 }  15  3    3.2        Ability to change icons of user defined...
-3  21   3807  {2  2  5  0  2 }  11  2    3.181818   www ip address and root folder saved wi...
-3  22   3781  {1  5  4  1  2 }  13  2    3.153846   Auto-save empty workspaces
**  23   3846  {2  3  4  3  1 }  13  2    3.153846   Syntax Files - Dynamic Keywords
**  24   3866  {2  1  2  4  0 }  9   1    3.111111   Friendlier Tab-Stops
**  25   3856  {0  4  3  3  0 }  10  1    3.1        User-defined Hyperlinks
-6  26   3784  {2  5  2  4  2 }  15  1    3.066666   Three command keys
-6  27   3794  {0  3  5  1  1 }  10  0    3.0        Preferences->File->Keep files locked wh...
-6  28   3767  {5  2  4  7  4 }  22  -3   2.863636   Explorer-style Navigator
**  29   3844  {1  1  4  3  2 }  11  -4   2.636363   Clipboard Tool Parameter
-7  30   3792  {1  1  3  2  3 }  10  -5   2.5        word wrap
-7  31   3766  {2  3  2  9  2 }  18  -6   2.666666   Vertical Split - looped scrolling
          {118 140 108 66  31 }  581 248  2.817555
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Post by jeffy »

Here's this week's exclusionary list:

Code: Select all

Not a TextPad suggestion
	3762	You must be logged in to post messages in this forum
	3769	Consider a poll...
	3811	Relative rankings of every enhanecement suggestion
	3832	Show polls not voted on yet.

No poll
	3816	Syntax Highlighting for Search Results (original)
	3830	Feature request: Save sort sets
	3837	Drag and drop editing should be smarter
	3838	Bracket Matching could be much better
	3839	Undo should restore selection
	3847	Auto-complete
	3852	background color
	3853	toggling between splitted screens
	3859	Clone tools
	3869	Tools dependent on document class

Invalid poll
	3870	Be able to clone tools.

Duplicate suggestion
	3835	'Usage' in this File... (functionality exists)
	3845	Extended Formatting ("Additional attributes for syntax highlighting")
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Post by jeffy »

...drum roll please...

Sunday, May 25, 2003

Code: Select all

MV  RNK  ID    {5  4  3  2  1 }  TOT WT   AVG VOTE
00  1    3775  {26 5  1  0  1 }  33  55   4.666666   Editable Macros
00  2    3773  {12 7  4  0  0 }  23  31   4.347826   Additional attributes for syntax hi...
00  3    3764  {11 11 3  1  1 }  27  30   4.111111   Expand/Collapse blocks of text
00  4    3836  {8  7  2  2  0 }  19  21   4.105263   Flexible 'alignment' function
00  5    3787  {7  9  3  0  1 }  20  21   4.05       Show matching brackets
00  6    3858  {6  6  2  0  1 }  15  16   4.066666   Dockable Command Results and Search...
+2  7    3777  {7  6  6  3  1 }  23  15   3.652173   Syntax highlight for embedded langu...
-1  8    3765  {2  14 5  3  0 }  24  15   3.625      Coloured active line
-1  9    3799  {6  2  2  0  0 }  10  14   4.4        Macro recording on-the-fly text
**  10   3890  {3  4  0  0  0 }  7   10   4.428571   Larger fields for Search/Replace
-1  11   3782  {2  5  4  0  0 }  11  9    3.818181   Macros that don't change selection ...
-1  12   3822  {3  5  7  2  1 }  18  7    3.388888   Keyboard Shortcut Map
+2  13   3783  {3  4  5  0  2 }  14  6    3.428571   Add a small amount of dynamics to c...
-2  14   3785  {3  5  3  5  0 }  16  6    3.375      Reload and reapply syntax definition
-2  15   3817  {3  3  7  3  0 }  16  6    3.375      Syntax Highlighting for Search Results
-2  16   3779  {2  1  1  0  0 }  4   5    4.25       Workgroup features -- Color settings
+7  17   3866  {2  5  3  4  0 }  14  5    3.357142   Friendlier Tab-Stops
**  18   3888  {1  3  0  1  0 }  5   4    3.8        Increase Limit of File Name Filters...
-3  19   3843  {2  2  6  2  0 }  12  4    3.333333   Scripted Regular Expressions
-3  20   3780  {1  6  0  3  1 }  11  3    3.272727   Scoping most configuration to Docum...
-2  21   3786  {2  3  4  2  1 }  12  3    3.25       Temporarily associate doc to anothe...
-4  22   3855  {1  4  5  1  1 }  12  3    3.25       An output window tab for each user ...
-3  23   3854  {0  8  3  3  1 }  15  3    3.2        Ability to change icons of user def...
-3  24   3807  {2  2  5  0  2 }  11  2    3.181818   www ip address and root folder save...
00  25   3856  {0  5  3  3  0 }  11  2    3.181818   User-defined Hyperlinks
-4  26   3781  {1  5  4  1  2 }  13  2    3.153846   Auto-save empty workspaces
-4  27   3846  {2  3  4  3  1 }  13  2    3.153846   Syntax Files - Dynamic Keywords
-2  28   3784  {2  5  2  4  2 }  15  1    3.066666   Three command keys
-2  29   3794  {0  3  5  1  1 }  10  0    3.0        Preferences->File->Keep files locke...
**  30   3872  {1  3  5  3  2 }  14  -2   2.857142   Customize the right-click menu
-3  31   3767  {5  2  4  7  4 }  22  -3   2.863636   Explorer-style Navigator
-3  32   3844  {1  1  4  3  2 }  11  -4   2.636363   Clipboard Tool Parameter
-3  33   3792  {1  1  3  2  3 }  10  -5   2.5        word wrap
-3  34   3766  {2  3  2  9  2 }  18  -6   2.666666   Vertical Split - looped scrolli
          {130 158 117 71  33 }  639 281  2.829420

And here's the latest exclusion list:

Code: Select all

Not a TextPad suggestion
	3762	You must be logged in to post messages in this forum
	3769	Consider a poll...
	3811	Relative rankings of every enhanecement suggestion
	3832	Show polls not voted on yet.

No poll
	3816	Syntax Highlighting for Search Results (original)
	3830	Feature request: Save sort sets
	3837	Drag and drop editing should be smarter
	3838	Bracket Matching could be much better
	3839	Undo should restore selection
	3847	Auto-complete
	3852	background color
	3853	toggling between splitted screens
	3859	Clone tools
	3869	Tools dependent on document class
	3891	Tool Parameter Macros
	3889	Autoload Feature (Programmable Macros???)
	3887	associate history of search/replace boxes to workspace
	3886	a PocketPc version of Textpad
Invalid poll
	3870	Be able to clone tools.
	3775	Increase Limit of File Name Filters (original)

Duplicate suggestion
	3835	'Usage' in this File... (functionality exists)
	3845	Extended Formatting ("Additional attributes for syntax highlighting")
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Post by jeffy »

jeffy wrote:I'll have no problem making the code available at some point.
For those of you so inclined, here is the Java code with which I generate these polls.

See page four of this thread for instructions on downloading the code

It's not the best organized or designed code--I created it for this purpose only, I didn't expect anyone to be interested in it!--but there you are.

Thanks to Bob for the idea of making it available.[/b]
Last edited by jeffy on Wed Nov 26, 2003 2:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by jeffy »

...drum roll, please...

Sunday, June 01, 2003

Code: Select all

MV  RNK  ID    {5  4  3  2  1 }  TOT WT   AVG VOTE
00  1    3775  {28 5  1  0  1 }  35  59   4.685714   Editable Macros
+1  2    3764  {13 13 3  2  1 }  32  35   4.09375    Expand/Collapse blocks of text
-1  3    3773  {12 7  4  0  0 }  23  31   4.347826   Additional attributes for syntax hi...
00  4    3836  {8  7  2  2  0 }  19  21   4.105263   Flexible 'alignment' function
00  5    3787  {7  9  3  0  1 }  20  21   4.05       Show matching brackets
+1  6    3777  {8  6  6  3  1 }  24  17   3.708333   Syntax highlight for embedded langu...
+1  7    3765  {3  14 5  3  0 }  25  17   3.68       Coloured active line
-2  8    3858  {6  6  2  0  1 }  15  16   4.066666   Dockable Command Results and Search...
00  9    3799  {6  2  2  0  0 }  10  14   4.4        Macro recording on-the-fly text
00  10   3890  {5  4  1  0  0 }  10  14   4.4        Larger fields for Search/Replace
00  11   3782  {2  5  4  0  0 }  11  9    3.818181   Macros that don't change selection ...
+2  12   3785  {4  5  3  5  0 }  17  8    3.470588   Reload and reapply syntax definition
-1  13   3822  {3  5  7  2  1 }  18  7    3.388888   Keyboard Shortcut Map
-1  14   3783  {3  4  5  0  2 }  14  6    3.428571   Add a small amount of dynamics to c...
00  15   3817  {3  3  7  3  0 }  16  6    3.375      Syntax Highlighting for Search Results
00  16   3779  {2  1  1  0  0 }  4   5    4.25       Workgroup features -- Color settings
+2  17   3843  {2  3  6  2  0 }  13  5    3.384615   Scripted Regular Expressions
-1  18   3866  {2  5  3  4  0 }  14  5    3.357142   Friendlier Tab-Stops
+1  19   3780  {1  7  0  3  1 }  12  4    3.333333   Scoping most configuration to Docum...
+4  20   3807  {3  2  5  0  2 }  12  4    3.333333   www ip address and root folder save...
-3  21   3888  {1  3  0  2  0 }  6   3    3.5        Increase Limit of File Name Filters...
-1  22   3786  {2  3  4  2  1 }  12  3    3.25       Temporarily associate doc to anothe...
-1  23   3855  {1  5  5  2  1 }  14  3    3.214285   An output window tab for each user ...
-1  24   3854  {0  8  3  3  1 }  15  3    3.2        Ability to change icons of user def...
**  25   3909  {1  0  0  0  0 }  1   2    5.0        View horiz scrollbar only when word...
+4  26   3794  {1  3  5  1  1 }  11  2    3.181818   Preferences->File->Keep files locke...
-2  27   3856  {0  5  3  3  0 }  11  2    3.181818   User-defined Hyperlinks
-2  28   3781  {1  5  4  1  2 }  13  2    3.153846   Auto-save empty workspaces
-2  29   3846  {2  3  4  3  1 }  13  2    3.153846   Syntax Files - Dynamic Keywords
-2  30   3784  {2  5  2  4  2 }  15  1    3.066666   Three command keys
-1  31   3872  {1  3  5  3  2 }  14  -2   2.857142   Customize the right-click menu
**  32   3902  {1  2  1  2  2 }  8   -2   2.75       Enhanced Backup
-2  33   3767  {5  2  4  7  4 }  22  -3   2.863636   Explorer-style Navigator
-2  34   3844  {1  1  4  3  2 }  11  -4   2.636363   Clipboard Tool Parameter
-1  35   3766  {2  4  2  9  2 }  19  -5   2.736842   Vertical Split - looped scrolli
-3  36   3792  {1  1  3  2  3 }  10  -5   2.5        word wrap
          {143 166 119 76  35 }  682 306  2.819648

Here's the latest exclusionary list:

Code: Select all

Not a TextPad suggestion
	3762   You must be logged in to post messages in this forum
	3769   Consider a poll...
	3811   Relative rankings of every enhanecement suggestion
	3832   Show polls not voted on yet.

No poll
	3816   Syntax Highlighting for Search Results (original)
	3830   Feature request: Save sort sets
	3837   Drag and drop editing should be smarter
	3838   Bracket Matching could be much better
	3839   Undo should restore selection
	3847   Auto-complete
	3852   background color
	3853   toggling between splitted screens
	3859   Clone tools
	3869   Tools dependent on document class
	3891   Tool Parameter Macros
	3889   Autoload Feature (Programmable Macros???)
	3887   associate history of search/replace boxes to workspace
	3886   a PocketPc version of Textpad
	3908   bit changeovers (more editor functions)
	3907   Update our email address info on record...
	3906   Treeview in the document selector

Invalid poll
	3870   Be able to clone tools.
	3882   Increase Limit of File Name Filters (original)
	3897   WebDAV support

Duplicate suggestion
	3835   'Usage' in this File... (functionality exists)
	3845   Extended Formatting ("Additional attributes for syntax highlighting")
Post Reply