How to silently install TextPad 9.6.2 and later
For Intel processors, type this command:
Code: Select all
TextPadSetupv9-x64.exe /exenoui /q
Code: Select all
TextPadSetupv9-arm64.exe /exenoui /q
First, extract the MSI file from the downloaded ZIP file as follows:
- Start Command Prompt or PowerShell as Administrator.
- Extract SETUP.EXE from the ZIP file using Explorer.
- setup.exe /s /x /b"C:\FolderInWhichMSIWillBeExtracted" /v"/qn" ... 85%29.aspx
For example, to specify the installation folder in silent mode:
Code: Select all
msiexec /quiet /i c:\path\to\textpad.msi /l*v "log.txt"
How to silently install TextPad with a multi-user license
Other variants can be made using a tool such as Orca: ... i/orca-exe
To create the license key file the first time, run the downloaded setup program normally, and follow the instructions in the email you receive after purchasing TextPad. Afterwards, look for TextPadPKE.xml in the following folders, in this order:
- %PROGRAMDATA%\Helios\TextPad
- %APPDATA%\Helios\TextPad ... ative.html
Last edited on 2024/12/06 for TextPad 9.6.2 and later.