Search for: bar
C:\foo.txt(1): bar bar
C:\foo.txt(2): bar
2 occourences in 1 file(s) found.
I can accept that there is only 1 line shown even if the search term did match 2 times at that line. (But I personally would like to see 2 result-lines)
But the conclusion is wrong. "bar" has 3 occourences and not 2. This bug makes the user very confusing since he thinks there are only 2 occourences. For example, I wanted to know how many images a big web portal had. I searched all HTMLs for <img and I found ~2500 occourences. Later, I replaced the images with regular expressions and I had ~4000 images replaced. I needed many time to find out why the numbers were different.
Hey!? Why do you ignore me always? You are the worst software company I ever have seen. Nobody should buy software from you. You ignore bug reports and feature requests!!!
The vast majority of posts on this forum are from regular end users. "helios" and "bbadmin" rarely post and usually only if there's a quick fix for a problem someone's having. Genuine bug reports and feature requests are never acknowledged as far as I can tell. If it makes you feel any better, people have been complaining about this since at least 2004.
ak47wong, thanks for searching for this old post. Hm... it's a pity that the personell does not really participate in this forum, or creating a bug-tracker like BugZilla. The main concept of TextPad is good and it is a good software. But this lack of support, remaining bugs and missing Unicode gives it a bad flavour :-/
The following extract is taken from the TextPad Help files:
"In the Report Detail box, choose All Matching Lines if you want each matching line printed out, or File Counts Only if you simply want to know how many occurrences there are in each file. "
With File counts only selected TextPad does indeed report the correct number of occurrences. But with All matching line selected, TextPad reports the number of lines containing occurrences. This number is correct, but it is not the number it claims it is reporting.
Thus the message text is the same in the two cases, but what is reported is different. Either the message text is wrong in one case or the number reported is wrong in one case. To avoid confusion, the text and what is reported should be the same in the two cases.
Perhaps the best solution is to show both figures.
Note also that with a plain Find, there is no way to specify File counts only.