Autosave drafts

Ideas for new features

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Autosave drafts

Post by takeos »

This is a proposal for a powerful yet simple (from the UI side) autosave/autorecovery feature, similar to what users are increasingly getting accustomed to from online editing tools and web browsers.

What I mean is:
- TextPad would auto-save drafts of both titled and untitled documents
- These "draft autosaves" would neither overwrite the original files, nor prompt to enter a file name/path for untitled documents
- If the computer crashes, after restart when launched TextPad would prompt to reopen all windows exactly as they were at the moment of the last draft autosave
Posts: 5
Joined: Thu Jan 22, 2009 10:03 am

Post by takeos »

This has now become more important than ever, since Windows 10 Update will "violently" restart the system (with loss of all unsaved TextPad data) when you are away and there is a Windows Update restart pending.

I will upgrade to 8 if it has this feature.
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Joined: Sat Jun 17, 2017 2:27 pm

Post by CharlesMacfarlane »

I think the aboe would be a useful feature.

Although I still have it enabled for the obvious reason, I have three particular problems with the current method of autosaving:

1) The prompting to save unnamed files - this is maddening, particularly as it can steal focus from other applications, and at very least I would like an option to autosave only those files that have been user-saved at least once, and thereby given a name.

2) Autosaving of all files seems to be timed from the loading of the program, rather from an individual file. Thus it is perfectly possible to load a file, intending to save it as a different file after making some minimal changes, to start typing and autosave immediately saves it to the old file name, which was not what you wanted - to be meaningful autosave of any given file ought to be timed from the loading or last autosave of that same file.

3) Autosave saves to the same filename, thus producing a *.bak file, so the *.bak filename system cannot be used as a simple form of versioning.

If I have understood the OP's intentions correctly, the suggestion above would solve all three of these problems, and I support it fully.
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