Use textpad for writing NSIS scripts

Usage tips, posted by users. No questions here please.

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Use textpad for writing NSIS scripts

Post by OnlyTextPad »

This assumes you installed NSIS with default settings if not search the makensis.exe and apply its path:
Add new DOS commad:
Parameters:"C:\Program Files\NSIS\makensis.exe" /V4 $FileName
Initial Folder:$FileDir
check: Save All Documents first
check: Capture output
Regex to match output:
^.+in script "(.+)" on line ([0-9]+)[.,]?
File 1 Line 2

For the laziest (on your own risk ; ).Change the num of tools also ; )
===================COPY PASTE START

Code: Select all

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Helios\TextPad 4\Tools\13]
"MenuText"="\"C:\\Program Files\\NSIS\\makensis.exe\" /V4 $FileName"
"Parameters"="\"C:\\Program Files\\NSIS\\makensis.exe\" /V4 $FileName"
"RE"="^.+in script \"(.+)\" on line ([0-9]+)[.,]?"
===================COPY PASTE END
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