Modifications to FindTag tool for use with TextPad 5

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Modifications to FindTag tool for use with TextPad 5

Post by gwitzel »

The FindTag add-on tool for TextPad will not work after upgrading from 4.x to 5.x. The FindTag source code and MSVC project files are available from and the following changes will make it work with TextPad5:

< HSZ hszServSrv = DdeCreateStringHandle(dwInstID, "TextPad", CP_WINANSI);
> HSZ hszServSrv = DdeCreateStringHandle(dwInstID, "TextPad.5.0", CP_WINANSI);

< TCHAR szRegKey[] = _T("Software\\Helios\\TextPad 4\\Tags");
> TCHAR szRegKey[] = _T("Software\\Helios\\TextPad 5\\Tags");

Compile with MS Visual C++ and follow the FindTag installation instructions. If TextPad 4.x was already configured for the FindTag tool, the configuration will be copied to TextPad 5.
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Post by chrissv »

Can someone make available the FindTag executable modified for TextPad 5.0? I tried to get the source from sourceforge, but had a lot of problems.

Thanks - Steven
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Joined: Fri Jun 03, 2011 10:19 am

Post by kazoo »

FindTag Visual Studio 2010 Project Files is here.

I hope somebody care this project.
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